Dimple – Embossed / Burred Holes

We have a wide variety of tooling specially designed for Dimple and Embossing purpose. The tooling pattern can be altered according the customer’s requirement and application.

During this process, the material is punched creating the depth over the surfaceover a specified shape achieving the desired results.

The embossed-dimple shapes are similar to the perforation. However, a 3rddimensions is added in this process. Further more, the shape must be considered, whether it is flat (e.g., round embossing), semi-round (e.g., dimple), or with edges (e.g., pyramid).

Please feel free to discuss your application so that we can guide you with the most suitable pattern.

Burred Dimple Holes
Burred Dimple Holes
Burred Dimple Holes

Embossed Holes

Embossed Holes
Embossed Holes